Women's Health In the North

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Women’s Health In the North (WHIN) works to eliminate gender inequities and improve outcomes in women’s health, safety and wellbeing.

Illustration of three professionals talking. Text in image says 'Northern Integrated Family Violence Services Partnership. The NIFVS logo appears in the top left.

The NIFVS partnership provides family violence system leadership across Melbourne’s northern metropolitan region.

Against a teal background with yellow wattle flowers are the words 'Building a Respectful Community Partnership' above a stylised rainbow coloured landscape

WHIN works with partner organisations to support a regional approach to the prevention of violence against women.

Illustration of a pale teal and pink background, gum and wattle tree details, with the large cover page text 'Freedom, Respect & Equity in Sexual Health 2022–26' shown in dark green and pale orange.

FRESH is our regional strategy to improve sexual and reproductive health across Melbourne’s northern metropolitan region.

Against a dark purple background appears the large white text 'Commission for gender equality in the public health sector'. Three squares of blue, white and green appear on the left of the text. This image is drawn from the logo used on the above commission's website.

WHIN supports organisations and community members to take positive action to address gender inequality.



Senate Inquiry Issues Related to Menopause and Perimenopause
Tilly Mahoney, WHIN's Coordinator, Sexual and Reproductive Health, recently spoke alongside colleagues from other women’s...
Investment in the Health, Wellbeing and Safety of Victorian Women Welcomed by WHSN
Victoria’s leading network of women’s health organisations has welcomed the Allan Government’s investment in the health,...
International Women's Day and WHIN: 2024 Statement about Theme
In 2024, Women’s Health In the North will be proudly promoting the International Women’s Day (IWD) theme ‘Count Her...

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