Get Help

WHIN does not provide medical, counselling or response services. 

If you need a service of this type, please see the information below.  If you are in immediate danger call 000

General Support and Information

Women’s Information and Referral Exchange (WIRE)

1300 134 130 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday except public holidays)

Free, confidential information and referral service for Victorian women. Information on any issue including housing, money, and relationships.

Violence against Women


1800 737 732

24 hour service providing confidential telephone and online information, counselling and support for people experiencing impacts of sexual assault or family violence.

Safe Steps: Family Violence Response Centre

1800 015 188 

24 hour support for women and children experiencing family violence risk including risk assessment, safety planning, referral and safe house accommodation.

Djirra (formerly Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention & Legal Service Victoria)

1800 105 303 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday)

Provides practical support and legal assistance to Aboriginal women who are currently experiencing family violence or have in the past.

Northern Family & Domestic Violence Service (NFDVS) Berry Street

9450 4700 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday)

Support for women and children experiencing  family violence risk including risk assessment, safety planning, case management, counselling, referral and advocacy.

The Orange Door, North Eastern Melbourne

1800 319 355 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday)

Assistance to women, children and young people who are experiencing family violence, or families who need assistance with the care and wellbeing of children.

Men’s Referral Service

1300 766 491  (8am to 9pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday)

Support, referral and information for men who wish to take responsibility for their violent behaviour.

Sexual Violence

Northern Centre Against Sexual Assault (NCASA)

9496 2240 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday)

1800 806 292 (24 hour crisis line, freecall)

Sexual assault counselling, support, crisis care and advocacy.

CASA House

9635 3610 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday)

1800 806 292 (24 hour crisis line, freecall)

Sexual assault counselling, support, crisis care and advocacy.

Sexual and Reproductive Health

1800 My Options

1800 696 784 (10am to 4pm Monday to Friday)

Free and confidential Victorian statewide information and referral service.

Family Planning Victoria

1800 013 952

Includes information about unplanned pregnancy choices.

Clinics: Action Centre, Level 1, 94 Elizabeth St, Melbourne, or Ground floor, 901 Whitehorse Rd, Box Hill.

Royal Women’s Hospital (the Women’s)

8345 3045 (Metropolitan callers)

1800 442 007 (Rural callers)

Includes information about sexual and reproductive health, female genital cutting, and unplanned pregnancy choices.

Melbourne Sexual Health Centre

1800 032 017

580 Swanston Street, Carlton (part of Alfred Health).

BreastScreen Victoria

13 20 50

Cancer Council

13 11 20

Cervical screening, formerly called pap test.

Female Genital Cutting/Female Circumcision

WHIN has a FARREP worker who supports women affected by female genital cutting

Royal Women’s Hospital

8345 3058

Has FARREP workers

Royal Women’s Hospital’s African Women’s Clinic

Information about female genital cutting.

8345 3037 to make an appointment at the Royal Women’s Hospital.

1800 442 007 (rural callers) to make an appointment.


Gambler’s Help

1800 858 858

Free, confidential information, advice and counselling for people with gambling problems and those who care about them.