News Posts
20 February 2023
WHIN has Obtained an Exemption from the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic)
Women's Health in the North Inc (the Applicant) has been granted an exemption from the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) (the Act) to allow WHIN to undertake the following conduct: advertise for and...
2 November 2022
Calling the Next Victorian Government to Maintain Momentum on Gender Equity
The 12 Women’s Health Services have together released their 2022 Victorian Election Platform, which puts forward three key actions and areas of work to improve women’s health and wellbeing in Victoria....
17 February 2021
Become a WHIN Member
As an Incorporated Association, WHIN is a membership-based organisation. Membership is free and available to individuals and organisations. To find out more about becoming a member and to access our...
17 December 2018
GEN VIC Membership is Open!
Membership of Gender Equity Victoria (GEN VIC) is open! Now is the time to join the Victorian peak body for gender equity, women's health and the prevention of violence against women. Membership of...
1 October 2018
Week Without Violence
The annual Week Without Violence (WWV) is coming up on 15–21 October 2018. The WWV is a global campaign to end violence against women. This year, almost 50 organisations in the northern metropolitan...