Equitable, Safe, Respectful campaign resources
The 2024 campaign features 16 messages with actions to promote gender equity, challenge gender stereotypes, condone gender-based violence, support reproductive choice and spotlight affirmative consent. The campaign highlights primary prevention work from the northern metropolitain region and beyond.
The Equitable, Safe, Respectful toolkit contains campaign messages, messaging templates, a monitoring guide and response options. The messaging templates are intended to provide suggestions and ideas about how to use these materials to support your own 16 Days campaign activities. You may adapt these to highlight work your organisation is doing relevant to the message. The monitoring guide and response options are to support you in preparing for backlash, with links to further information and guidance on how to respond.
Download the campaign assets
Equitable, Safe, Respectful toolkit
BRC 16 Days of Activism – Equitable, Safe, Respectful Toolkit (PDF, 1.1 MB)
BRC 16 Days of Activism – Equitable, Safe, Respectful Toolkit (Docx, 2.82 MB)
16 social media tiles (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn)
BRC 16 Days of Activism – Social media tiles high res (ZIP, 12.1 MB)
BRC 16 Days of Activism – Social media tiles low res (ZIP, 3.52 MB)
4 social media story templates
BRC 16 Days of Activism – Social media story templates (ZIP, 3.69 MB)
15 posters (A3)
BRC 16 Days of Activism – A3 Posters high res (ZIP, 10.6 MB)