Women’s Health In the North is offering these low-cost training sessions to support organisations across Melbourne’s north to create programs, services and workplace cultures that promote equality and respect.
The training will introduce the key concepts related to gender equity and the prevention of violence against women. Participants will engage with active bystander theory and use the WHIN Workplace Bystander Tool to develop skills in challenging discriminatory behaviour and managing resistance to this work. Participants will leave the trainings with an increased understanding of how they can build actions to prevent violence against women into their day-to-day work, and the role they can play in challenging everyday sexism and gender inequality in the workplace.
‘Active Bystander’ Training Dates in 2020
Online registration will open six weeks prior to each session. Registrations are now open for the first and second session. Cost is $15 per session and each session covers the same content.
Thursday 12 March 9.30am – 4pm Richmond (register via Eventbrite)
Tuesday 17 March 9.30am – 4pm Preston (register via Eventbrite)
Tuesday 24 March 9.30am – 4pm Whittlesea (register via Eventbrite)
Tuesday 21 April 9.30am – 4pm Heidelberg West
Wednesday 29 April 9.30am – 4pm Broadmeadows
Thursday 7 May 9.30am – 4pm Greensborough