Climate change and other environmental disasters impact women and men differently.
This difference is due to socially-constructed gender roles, expectations and unequal access to power and resources. However, a gendered perspective is largely absent from policy, planning, and implementation. Through Gender and Disaster Australia, discussed below, WHIN’s recent work in this area has focused on disasters and gender.
What We Do
We advocate for applying a gender lens to tackling climate change and disaster planning response and preparedness. In this developing work area, we will take opportunities to engage with health systems, emergency services and local government on climate action and disaster planning processes.
Gender and Disaster Australia (formerly GAD Pod)
Gender and Disaster Australia (formerly GAD Pod) began as a partnership of WHIN with Women’s Health Goulburn North East and the Monash University Disaster Resilience Initiative. Gender and Disaster Australia is now continuing its work as a separate entity.
Prompted by foundational research with Black Saturday survivors, this partnership promoted an understanding of the role of gender in survivor responses to disasters and embedded these insights into emergency management practice.
Approaching disaster management through a gendered lens allows a more accurate assessment of the different vulnerabilities and strengths of women and men, and those of diverse sexual and gender identities.
Are you looking for resources on this topic? Have a look at Gender and Disaster’s Research and Resources page.